The competition of screens and windows consumes my eyes, my sanity and my time. Despite this overload I practice the postponement of exhaustion and as I stand in the studio in front of a canvas the enthusiasm pervades me!

How is one to lighten the burden of excess? My work is my commentary on the strangeness and profundity I find in the world.

Each canvas is a palimpsest in which I overlap attempts, in which the final image incorporates traces of countless previous ones. I am attracted by the remnants of past presences.

I am fascinated by the fruitful accidents of the paint and the brush and the quick decisions to reveal or to hide, which together create multiple details of texture, form and color,  which can only be discovered over the course of successive observations. I am seduced by slow revelations.

Interaction I, 2023
Oil on canvas, 120 x 100 cm
Expertly framed
Proximity III, 2023
Oil and oil pastel on canvas, 116 x 89 cm
Expertly framed
Dance, 2023
Oil and oil pastel on canvas, 116 x 89 cm
Expertly framed
Diptych, 2023
Oil and traces of charcoal on two canvases of 150 x 100 cm
Private collection
Untitled, 2023
Oil on canvas 80 x 60 cm
Private collection
Figures in a Garden, 2023
Oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm

Arte, Art, pintura, peinture, painting, huile sur toile, oil on canvas, óleo sobre tela, oleo sobre tela, emerging artist, pintura a óleo, portugal, lisboa, pintura abstrata, pintura figurativa, pintura expressionista, expressionisno, Francis Bacon